How to - Citrix Files autologin to Windows Desktop

How to connect your Windows Desktop to Citrix Files (Sharefile) and autologin

If you want to automatically login to Citrix Files on your desktop and autologin. Then here is an easy way for you to do it instead of finding this information all over.

I was searching on google everywhere to find out how am I going to autologin with registry hacking and everything to allow users to log in to Citrix Files (Sharefile). After several days of pulling my head over. I found the information. I did not want others to go through the same time-consuming task in finding the info, so I decided to write a blog on this.

All that you need is the ADMX and ADML file for Group Policy. Download this zip file. Unzip the CitrixFiles_PolicyDefinitions. Copy to policy definitions in Sysvol folder in Domain Controller.

Configuration for Citrix Files | Citrix Content Collaboration

Make sure that the .admx file goes into policy definitions folder and the .adml file goes into en-US folder. Once, this is complete, you should see the Citrix Files option in Group Policy under

User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates: Policy Definitions\Citrix Files

Now you go ahead and set all the configurations as you need in this. Vola! You will be able to autologin. If you have your MFA setup, then it should allow you automatically also within the organization. 

Group policy definitions for Citrix Files for Windows


The following information was previously published on Knowledge Center article CTX228273.

Citrix Files includes policy definitions that can be used to push out settings and configuration using Group Policy (GPO). The .admx and .adml files are at C:\Program Files\citrix\Citrix Files\PolicyDefinitions


  1. Copy the .admx file to c:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions and the \en-us\ .adml file to c:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-us\

  2. Open Group Policy Editor and the policy options are available under:

    a. Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Citrix Files

    b. User Configuration → Administrative Templates → Citrix Files

Configuring the group policies

Computer Configuration 
Enable ApplicationIf disabled, Citrix Files exits before mounting any drives or displaying any UI.
Enable Auto Check-outIf enabled, Citrix Files automatically checks out Microsoft Office files when they are opened. The files are also automatically checked in after they are closed.
Enable on-premises ConnectorsIf disabled, Network Share, Sharepoint, and Documentum connectors are not visible in Citrix Files.
Enable Personal Cloud ConnectorsIf disabled, Personal Cloud and Office 365 Connectors are not visible in Citrix Files.
Enable Auto-updateIf disabled, Citrix Files does not automatically update to the latest version.
Delete Cache on ExitIf enabled, downloaded file contents are removed when the application exits.
Cache SizeControls how much disk space (in MB) to use for cached files. The minimum cache size is 256 MB and the maximum is 9999 MB.
Cache LocationConfigures the location of the file content cache. By default, the location is AppData\Local\Citrix\Citrix Files\PartCache. If a custom path is set, that folder must exist.
Cache ModeDefault: Citrix Files chooses a cache mode appropriate for the environment where it is executing. Immediate: Citrix Files writes and reads directly to and from its cache. This mode uses the least memory, but might be slow if the application cache is not on the local disk. Queued: Citrix Files retains some data in memory and writes to its cache in the background. This mode is recommended if the application cache is stored on a network location.
Maximum Log SizeControls how much disk space (in MB) is used for application logs.
Disable TutorialIf enabled, Citrix Files does not show the tutorial on the initial sign-in of the user.
Enable Offline AccessIf disabled, users can’t mark folders or files to be available while not connected to the internet.
Prefetch MetadataIf enabled, Citrix Files preloads its filesystem structure. This improves responsiveness at the expense of some CPU, memory, disk, and network usage. By default, this functionality is disabled on virtual desktops.
User Configuration 
AccountConfigures the account to use for Citrix Files.
Enable ApplicationIf disabled, Citrix Files exits before mounting any drives or displaying any UI.
Excluded from UploadFile name extensions that are not saved back to Citrix Files. These files can still be read and edited locally.
Mount Point 1–10Mounts a specific Citrix Files folder as a network drive.

Mount Points

Mount points let you specify a Citrix Files folder to mount as a network drive. You can specify up to 10 mount points. Mount points can be configured through the group policy editor.

To create a mount point, specify the Citrix Files folder by the path to that folder, separated by the \ character. The top-level folder name might vary across user types and across different end-user languages. In such cases, you can create the mount point using %wildcard% alias as outlined in the following examples.

Folder typeExample
Personal FoldersPersonal Folders<FolderName> or %personal%<FolderName>
Shared FoldersShared Folders<FolderName><FolderName2> or %shared%<FolderName>
FavoritesFavorites or %favorites%<FolderName>
Network Shares connectorNetwork Shares<ConnectorName> or %networkshares%<ConnectorName>
SharePoint connectorSharePoint<ConnectorName> or %sharepoint%<ConnectorName>
Box connectorPersonal Cloud\Box or %personalcloud%\Box
Dropbox connectorPersonal Cloud\Dropbox or %personalcloud%\Dropbox
Google Drive connectorPersonal Cloud\Google Drive or %personalcloud%\Google Drive
OneDrive connectorPersonal Cloud\OneDrive or %personalcloud%\OneDrive
Office365 connectorsOffice 365<ConnectorName> or %office365%<ConnectorName>
Root of account (default view)\

Group policy definitions
